Each of the Catholic schools in the diocese offers opportunities to further enhance a student's education through a variety of extracurricular activities. Whether the activities are athletic, education-based or faith-based, all will further enhance the development of the whole person and continue to keep Christ at the center of all we do.
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Our high schools also continue to offer an abundance of extracurricular activities to students. They are able to take advantage of co-op opportunities and pair up with other schools to offer an even wider array of athletic events. A few examples of athletic activities offered through co-op are ice hockey, lacrosse, and swimming.
The following is a sampling of opportunities available to students depending on the school and grade level:
Athletics: Extracurricular:
Basketball Altar Servers
Cheerleading Art Club
Cross Country Band
Flag Football Bible Bee
Football Boy & Cub Scouts
Kickball Chess Club
Soccer Choir
Softball Dance
Track Drama/Performing Arts
Volleyball Girls on the Run
Girl Scouts
Geography Bee
Multi-generational Program
Science Olympiad
Ski Club
Spelling Bee
Student Council